Monday, August 23, 2010

Day One

My name is Megan

I love junk food.  

This blog is part of an effort to make healthier food choices.  
Today I'll keep it short.   An overview, if you will.
It's very easy to start off the day healthy.  I'll have oatmeal for breakfast, then lunch will be an apple and a granola bar.  Evening is when it becomes harder to make a healthy food choice.  I have a tendency to snack later in the day, and I rarely make healthy snack choices in the evening.  I suppose my main point of concentration will be healthier dinners and snacks.  Trying to find meals that are good for me, filling, and yummy!  (And that the whole family will eat. -.-' )
Maybe we'll squeeze in some exercise as well!

P.S.  That's an illustration of me eating bacon.  Yum.

1 comment:

  1. you will make healther meals for dinner, make some healthy muffins for a snack and then you can freeze some also take one to work with you. Fill it with with fruit and flax seed that will hold you.
